In his words, beyond the invocation of the energy emanating from the gene, as is the case Ngillifima ("gin", to order, pay, and the term 'Llifen' by 'llifque' , flash of lightning, 'ma', indeterminate), the protector of Gen Puelmapu territory. Energies of our our Nuke Mapu, leaving a legacy of order in nature, in institutions such as the Mapuche Nation, represented in logko authorities, machi, who asked not to be, but their mandate by ancestry ...
SOURCE: The Citizen
By Eva Barriga U.
Pikunwiji Mapu, December 2, 2010 - "Puel Mapu willi" is the name given to the Mapuche territorial Council at the meeting at the end of November, 27 and 28, in the sector Llifen in the commune of Futrono, Región de Los Ríos. Which identifies "Puel-Willi" the territory of the Mapuche people of the South (willi) located in the direction of sunrise (puel), whose region covers from the Andes to the Pacific Ocean. Where today hydroelectric plants invade their territories in search of energy. Energy
seeking to draw in the Andean region, the waters of eight rivers in the Central Maqueo and downstream in the Rio Bueno the installation of nine dams.
The territory is due to tutelary powers that protect the energies of the Nuke Mapu cross along the southern boundary of the region of Los Ríos, which rises high in the Andes, surrounded by lush mountains, volcanoes and lakes as the Gray, Wiswe, Maiwan, the latter connects the lake waters by the river Calcurrupe Ranko, a little farther down the Central Valley is the Rio Bueno (born in Lake Ranko) which empties into the Pacific Ocean. Among its major tributaries, Pilmaiken found the river, which originates in the outflow of the lake and river Puyewe Rawe, who pours the waters of Lake Rupanko.
The Willi Puel Mapu, are the protectors and Nen or spirit that transcend time millennial kuifv present in the apew, transcendental experiences cosmogonic, Pewman (Dreams), pelom (visions) and practices are still alive. Where
Wenteyao or Taitita Nen Wenteyao embraces all this vast territory realizing its enormous power over water management. Who has prepared a group accompanying him, called the Pucatriwekeche "army Pucatriwe happy", formed by wind, rain, thunder and storm, led by the dual forces and Pinsalikan Miyalikan. Account Maiwan people that "when there is time to talk, they know! - To carry its winds, so that there is nothing wrong, because the storms and rains are made by Him, so we have to talk and throw fire sowing, vegetable, wheat, you have to talk and tell you to take your wind!
Wenteyao keeps his peculiarities according to different levels of the territory. In the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe lake Maiwan in Lepun or Guillatun ceremony, their presence is avoided, and that his stay would be the arrival of rain and thunder storms, so it lets you know in advance "With good words, with flour and muday" that takes away the rains and winds and to take rest in the depths of the lake where his newen its strength.
Meanwhile, for the people "lepunera" of the Rio Bueno and the San Juan de la Costa, (the latter closer to the abode of the Kura ruka, stone house located in Wenteyao Taitita Lafkenche of Pukatriwe area on the coast of the city of Osorno), where the Mapuche ceremony prior to going to the Kura ruka and perform a ceremony of thanksgiving and offerings of sacrifice (animal) that make the Nen to remain at sea providing his people, well, good fishing, good weather, and spiritual strength continue life and permission to perform this lepun. And his presence is in the nguillatun, in the voices of the prayers regularly expressed its participants "taitita Leuketumayen Wenteyao, Leuketumayen katriwe Keche pu!", Particularly in San Juan de la Costa. In lepunes River Basin Well its presence is in the prayers of the Master of Ceremonies or Logko guillatufe of Pitriuco, Litran, Marriam, among others.
Therefore, Mapuche authorities and people with knowledge in spirituality say that "we have to believe in what our on being Mapuche, which is the backbone of Wenu Nuke Mapu, Mapu Wenu Chaw, in nguillatun enlighten us of However, in our protective spirits. "
In his words, beyond the invocation of the energy emanating from the Nen, as is the case Ngillifima ("gin", to order, pay, and the term 'Llifen' by 'llifque' flash of lightning, 'ma' , undetermined), this protective nem Puelmapu the territory, witnessed in the nguillatun of Rupumeika and Isla Huapi. In Huapi, acts in a dual with Tripayantv Nen (Sunrise). While the lake is the Nen Puyewe Maria Antonia, a woman who was lost in the Puyewe lake, whose waters are 'happy', and his abode is in the vicinity drainage of the lake, where the river Pilmaiken and reports the lamgen Malpu Yolanda Vera, master of ceremonies for the community of El Roble. She is the mother of Kintuantv Nen (find the sun) and Kilenwentru (young of the tail) who their newen (energy) showed cross live in, located in creek near the river Pilmaiken.
It is noteworthy that the CSN Maria Antonia "further north, near Lake Ranco, is associated to the white puiwa a southeast wind, also known as puelche, which brings good time but emboldens the lake. Your birthday seems to derive from the term 'marine Antü', ten suns, referring to the ability of puelche wind to drive away the clouds that bring coastal water (which are identified as kulcha), producing heat and clear days "[1].
The energy system of forces and territory guardianship Wenuleufv Basin (Rio Bueno), continuing on a vast network of Nen. As in Nolgewe, located near the river Muticao, has Johnny as tutelary spirit, the extension of this system includes the late Llamuwe spirit worship, located on the banks of Cuyaima in Filuco community, their history Kurralwe lead to in the community of the same name, on the banks of Chirre. Their geographical distribution leads to the west to the community of the twins, home Wenukamañ and drives to the mouth of Rio Bueno, in the Pacific coast, to meet the Nen Chiway Hueicolla in the field, literally means mist, who is represented by the image of a woman of great luminosity .
Knowing these newen, powers of cosmic energy that protects the Nen, spirit, those who protect and guide the Mapuche people Williche. You must be vigilant against the looming threat of those foreign agents seeking to seize their strengths, especially now with the mega hydroelectric projects. The logko of Rupumeika José Pangulef, recalls how his grandparents lived, Jacinto Carrillo Comolai, as advocated logko its territory, he said, I am the keeper of the people outside, because these people do not know what's coming!
In this threat, are also the people themselves Mapuche, the yanakona, the traitors of the people who sell to their people, assuming leadership roles with the company to negotiate, agree Mapuche authorities repeatedly logko Nawelpan of Lilkoko lofmapu, logko Traukil of Riñinawe lofmapu and social leaders Panguipulli territory.
addition, another danger is referred to "we must not serve partisan ideologies, but to defend territories in terms Mapuche." Since the Coalition Party have privatized their water, delivered the territories for the giant, and politicians in this government continues with it.
"There is hope that this will change, our grandfathers were, like us in the same, filling out paperwork and more paperwork, making demands and more demands, seeking alliances with parties in power, with marches and rallies ... and what is the result? "logko Nawelpan wondered, who said in part of Lilkoko trawün where dreams came, Pewman, with messages left agreed what to do," not to political parties, among other things. Since we do not send them alone, Wenu Wenu-Nuke Mapu Mapu Chaw is the common thread of those who were. We
forces, "says Millary Huichalaf-machi who has the plant in its territory, Pilmaiken River is under construction, affecting Kvntuantv and Kvlenwentrv Nen. "Let's get people to ask for help, with ngullatun ... in a joint force, because so far we are receiving from pure entrepreneurs"-expresses the authority. Energy
our our Nuke Mapu, leaving a legacy of order in nature, in institutions such as the Mapuche Nation, represented in logko authorities, machi, who asked not to be, but given the mandate by the ancestral heritage of blood. The well Treukil logko puts on the legacy of north zugu, lifzugu, kvme zugu, keywords in their duty to be, mari newen kintuwe forces and the visionary eyes "come into us from our village, so that you can not ignore what is happening here, "he says.
That's right! -Sits the lawentucheche Juana Marta Jamilla, who says we all have a role to play - I did not ask to be, I gave it my newen, my Pu Yi, the herbs work was revealed to me, all that was revealed in my Dionisio grandparents Nguilliman Jaramillo, Fernando Vera Pichilguen ... nature makes us the way!
As ñvtram end of trawün of Llifen, a process that leaves a rearticulated territory and running, according to a kvmun bequeathed by our ancestors, our Nen. Willi Puel Mapu
attitude of defense and response to the decision-making processes beyond historical and cultural territory. That if we see an overview of the implementation of public policies towards the Mapuche people has always been a constant, that is, to ignore the decision making of its people, its population in their feelings and local history. The contempt for ancient wisdom, Where does such arrogance, authoritarianism, myopia and arrogance?
From here, from Puel Mapu say willi "We must draw strength from our ancestors, our spirits, looking at puel, toward the sunrise, which is the reason clearly koyiwenu, bringing our spirit clean. Sharing our lamgen when they say that if we want a defense "cleanse our spirit" ... because if we live in a spirit we have to communicate with him ... ask for the salvation of our water, clean and healthy environment, we of peace, not to die for our spiritual energy. " Looking
Mapu with arms raised in a voice say Trayenko Free Waters Off! ... Wall Mapu Without Dam!
[1] Highlighted by Rodrigo Molia T. in "Mapu Ngen, Nen Road, ethnographic research.
SOURCE: The Citizen
By Eva Barriga U.
Pikunwiji Mapu, December 2, 2010 - "Puel Mapu willi" is the name given to the Mapuche territorial Council at the meeting at the end of November, 27 and 28, in the sector Llifen in the commune of Futrono, Región de Los Ríos. Which identifies "Puel-Willi" the territory of the Mapuche people of the South (willi) located in the direction of sunrise (puel), whose region covers from the Andes to the Pacific Ocean. Where today hydroelectric plants invade their territories in search of energy. Energy
seeking to draw in the Andean region, the waters of eight rivers in the Central Maqueo and downstream in the Rio Bueno the installation of nine dams.
The territory is due to tutelary powers that protect the energies of the Nuke Mapu cross along the southern boundary of the region of Los Ríos, which rises high in the Andes, surrounded by lush mountains, volcanoes and lakes as the Gray, Wiswe, Maiwan, the latter connects the lake waters by the river Calcurrupe Ranko, a little farther down the Central Valley is the Rio Bueno (born in Lake Ranko) which empties into the Pacific Ocean. Among its major tributaries, Pilmaiken found the river, which originates in the outflow of the lake and river Puyewe Rawe, who pours the waters of Lake Rupanko.
The Willi Puel Mapu, are the protectors and Nen or spirit that transcend time millennial kuifv present in the apew, transcendental experiences cosmogonic, Pewman (Dreams), pelom (visions) and practices are still alive. Where
Wenteyao or Taitita Nen Wenteyao embraces all this vast territory realizing its enormous power over water management. Who has prepared a group accompanying him, called the Pucatriwekeche "army Pucatriwe happy", formed by wind, rain, thunder and storm, led by the dual forces and Pinsalikan Miyalikan. Account Maiwan people that "when there is time to talk, they know! - To carry its winds, so that there is nothing wrong, because the storms and rains are made by Him, so we have to talk and throw fire sowing, vegetable, wheat, you have to talk and tell you to take your wind!
Wenteyao keeps his peculiarities according to different levels of the territory. In the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe lake Maiwan in Lepun or Guillatun ceremony, their presence is avoided, and that his stay would be the arrival of rain and thunder storms, so it lets you know in advance "With good words, with flour and muday" that takes away the rains and winds and to take rest in the depths of the lake where his newen its strength.
Meanwhile, for the people "lepunera" of the Rio Bueno and the San Juan de la Costa, (the latter closer to the abode of the Kura ruka, stone house located in Wenteyao Taitita Lafkenche of Pukatriwe area on the coast of the city of Osorno), where the Mapuche ceremony prior to going to the Kura ruka and perform a ceremony of thanksgiving and offerings of sacrifice (animal) that make the Nen to remain at sea providing his people, well, good fishing, good weather, and spiritual strength continue life and permission to perform this lepun. And his presence is in the nguillatun, in the voices of the prayers regularly expressed its participants "taitita Leuketumayen Wenteyao, Leuketumayen katriwe Keche pu!", Particularly in San Juan de la Costa. In lepunes River Basin Well its presence is in the prayers of the Master of Ceremonies or Logko guillatufe of Pitriuco, Litran, Marriam, among others.
Therefore, Mapuche authorities and people with knowledge in spirituality say that "we have to believe in what our on being Mapuche, which is the backbone of Wenu Nuke Mapu, Mapu Wenu Chaw, in nguillatun enlighten us of However, in our protective spirits. "
In his words, beyond the invocation of the energy emanating from the Nen, as is the case Ngillifima ("gin", to order, pay, and the term 'Llifen' by 'llifque' flash of lightning, 'ma' , undetermined), this protective nem Puelmapu the territory, witnessed in the nguillatun of Rupumeika and Isla Huapi. In Huapi, acts in a dual with Tripayantv Nen (Sunrise). While the lake is the Nen Puyewe Maria Antonia, a woman who was lost in the Puyewe lake, whose waters are 'happy', and his abode is in the vicinity drainage of the lake, where the river Pilmaiken and reports the lamgen Malpu Yolanda Vera, master of ceremonies for the community of El Roble. She is the mother of Kintuantv Nen (find the sun) and Kilenwentru (young of the tail) who their newen (energy) showed cross live in, located in creek near the river Pilmaiken.
It is noteworthy that the CSN Maria Antonia "further north, near Lake Ranco, is associated to the white puiwa a southeast wind, also known as puelche, which brings good time but emboldens the lake. Your birthday seems to derive from the term 'marine Antü', ten suns, referring to the ability of puelche wind to drive away the clouds that bring coastal water (which are identified as kulcha), producing heat and clear days "[1].
The energy system of forces and territory guardianship Wenuleufv Basin (Rio Bueno), continuing on a vast network of Nen. As in Nolgewe, located near the river Muticao, has Johnny as tutelary spirit, the extension of this system includes the late Llamuwe spirit worship, located on the banks of Cuyaima in Filuco community, their history Kurralwe lead to in the community of the same name, on the banks of Chirre. Their geographical distribution leads to the west to the community of the twins, home Wenukamañ and drives to the mouth of Rio Bueno, in the Pacific coast, to meet the Nen Chiway Hueicolla in the field, literally means mist, who is represented by the image of a woman of great luminosity .
Knowing these newen, powers of cosmic energy that protects the Nen, spirit, those who protect and guide the Mapuche people Williche. You must be vigilant against the looming threat of those foreign agents seeking to seize their strengths, especially now with the mega hydroelectric projects. The logko of Rupumeika José Pangulef, recalls how his grandparents lived, Jacinto Carrillo Comolai, as advocated logko its territory, he said, I am the keeper of the people outside, because these people do not know what's coming!
In this threat, are also the people themselves Mapuche, the yanakona, the traitors of the people who sell to their people, assuming leadership roles with the company to negotiate, agree Mapuche authorities repeatedly logko Nawelpan of Lilkoko lofmapu, logko Traukil of Riñinawe lofmapu and social leaders Panguipulli territory.
addition, another danger is referred to "we must not serve partisan ideologies, but to defend territories in terms Mapuche." Since the Coalition Party have privatized their water, delivered the territories for the giant, and politicians in this government continues with it.
"There is hope that this will change, our grandfathers were, like us in the same, filling out paperwork and more paperwork, making demands and more demands, seeking alliances with parties in power, with marches and rallies ... and what is the result? "logko Nawelpan wondered, who said in part of Lilkoko trawün where dreams came, Pewman, with messages left agreed what to do," not to political parties, among other things. Since we do not send them alone, Wenu Wenu-Nuke Mapu Mapu Chaw is the common thread of those who were. We
forces, "says Millary Huichalaf-machi who has the plant in its territory, Pilmaiken River is under construction, affecting Kvntuantv and Kvlenwentrv Nen. "Let's get people to ask for help, with ngullatun ... in a joint force, because so far we are receiving from pure entrepreneurs"-expresses the authority. Energy
our our Nuke Mapu, leaving a legacy of order in nature, in institutions such as the Mapuche Nation, represented in logko authorities, machi, who asked not to be, but given the mandate by the ancestral heritage of blood. The well Treukil logko puts on the legacy of north zugu, lifzugu, kvme zugu, keywords in their duty to be, mari newen kintuwe forces and the visionary eyes "come into us from our village, so that you can not ignore what is happening here, "he says.
That's right! -Sits the lawentucheche Juana Marta Jamilla, who says we all have a role to play - I did not ask to be, I gave it my newen, my Pu Yi, the herbs work was revealed to me, all that was revealed in my Dionisio grandparents Nguilliman Jaramillo, Fernando Vera Pichilguen ... nature makes us the way!
As ñvtram end of trawün of Llifen, a process that leaves a rearticulated territory and running, according to a kvmun bequeathed by our ancestors, our Nen. Willi Puel Mapu
attitude of defense and response to the decision-making processes beyond historical and cultural territory. That if we see an overview of the implementation of public policies towards the Mapuche people has always been a constant, that is, to ignore the decision making of its people, its population in their feelings and local history. The contempt for ancient wisdom, Where does such arrogance, authoritarianism, myopia and arrogance?
From here, from Puel Mapu say willi "We must draw strength from our ancestors, our spirits, looking at puel, toward the sunrise, which is the reason clearly koyiwenu, bringing our spirit clean. Sharing our lamgen when they say that if we want a defense "cleanse our spirit" ... because if we live in a spirit we have to communicate with him ... ask for the salvation of our water, clean and healthy environment, we of peace, not to die for our spiritual energy. " Looking
Mapu with arms raised in a voice say Trayenko Free Waters Off! ... Wall Mapu Without Dam!
[1] Highlighted by Rodrigo Molia T. in "Mapu Ngen, Nen Road, ethnographic research.
See Also:
- Wiji Council statement Puel Mapu to "imminent" reentry Maqueo hydroelectric project
- New territorial stage to face hydroelectric megaproject Maqueo of Trayenko-SN Power
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