Friday, January 14, 2011

Harley Davidson Sayings And Quotes

Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Aysén accuses the government of violating Convention 169 HidroAysén assessment and Southern Energy Hydropower Project

laws are being implemented "violating our ancestral and customary rights to use land, seas, rivers, flora and fauna for our survival in harmony" and not been consulted or considered the views of the communities in dealing with these initiatives, something that expressly requires its sixth article in an international treaty. Complaint indigenous group of associations from the region of Aysen ...

Source: Aysen Life Reserve

December 11, 2010 - Twelve indigenous associations throughout the Region of Aysen publicly expressed his "complete repudiation of the projects that wearing sheepskin, dressed with law, want to destroy our region of Aysen flooding the earth, polluting the seas and stole the water that is life all living things. " Gathered in the Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Aysen, some 40 representatives of groups, all recognized by the Indigenous Law 19.253, met on 4 and 5 December in Puerto Aysen.

In a statement issued earlier this month notes that "we condemn the actions of legislators and rulers who systematically have struggled to make laws that violate our ancestral and customary rights to use land, seas, rivers, flora and fauna for our survival in harmony, for example, privatization of the sea, the privatization of water and selling land to foreigners, depriving our people of their economic livelihood and cultural roots as fishermen, gatherers and agricultural and livestock. "

add that "the people of our region williche publicly expressed their displeasure against the government and is going to bring the Convention 169, to allow the destruction and depredation of the environment in pursuit of narrow interests that only benefit a few, many of them do not even Chileans. "

Caniullán Daniel, a member of the Indigenous Community of Caleta Melinka Wapi Pu and part of the policy coordinator, said that "what we express here is a summary of the facts that are affecting our people at the regional level, based on of the standards the government is implementing and ignore the Convention 169, which has not applied as stipulated. "

exemplified this with the implementation of legislation passed this year that seeks to create a new institutional framework for the salmon, over which they have been given space to express their opinion, in circumstances that implies a particular intervention of the coastline. "According to items two and six indigenous peoples Convention 169 should be consulted, which to date has not been done. And indeed, in our region the sea is being delivered regardless of our point of view, "he said.

relation to dams said "progress is being made in these projects on the backs of indigenous peoples, because they have an endorsement to date of indigenous peoples at the regional level. Before this we also express our malaise. "

Caniullán concluded by noting that "so we have a multitude of demands, problems, proposals we have made to the Government, the Intendant and the Governor Pilar Cuevas (Aysén), which to date have not been answered. "

Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization requires the State of Chile to perform specific procedures in relation to indigenous peoples. The alleged transgressions involve the processing of the dam projects HidroAysén and Southern Energy, and the re-articulation of the salmon farming activity in the framework of the Regional Committee for Use of the coastline.

In these two areas has ignored the terms of the agreement multinational expressly in Article 6 that "governments must consult the peoples concerned, through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, whenever consideration is being given legislative or administrative measures which may affect them directly" and that " consultations carried out under this Convention shall be undertaken in good faith and in a manner appropriate to the circumstances, with the aim of reaching an agreement or consent on the proposed measures. "

Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of the Community umbrella Aysén Nahuelquin Delgado of Puerto Aysen, the Association Rakuiduamtun of Coyhaique, the Indian Association of Caleta Tortel Menco, the Indian Association of Cocrhane Manqui, the Indian Association of Puyuhuapi Guaiguenes, Mariman Indian Association of Coyhaique, the Indian Association of Caleta Melinka Willi Newen, the Indian Association of Chile Fotum Ñi Antu Chico, the Indian Association of Green Lake Mari Mari, Millarai Indian Association of Puerto Raul Marin Balmaceda, the indigenous community of Melinka Wapi Pu and the Indian Association of Puerto Swan Lafquen Rayen.


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