A dash more. Essays on Eduardo Lizalde / / Introduction and compilation of Victor Cabrera.
Under the tutelary figure of the tiger, the emblem of power and ferocity, Eduardo Lizalde has erected a stark and accurate work in which the genders are twisted even complement as branches and weeds from a garden verbal discipline. The poem to the novel, the story of the trial, the translation of poetry to musical commentary, Lizalde literary exercise has made a long lesson in poetic and critical rigor that has lasted five decades.
In this volume, fifteen young writers tend to look on each of those areas of work this authority for our letters to draw a time span ranging from early failure poetic as he described him-a Algaida (Conaculta, 2009), his latest long poem. Fifteen different and diverse approaches to a work populated by symbols that revealed to us demonstrate a tear in the landscape of Mexican literature. Fifteen glances which, together, draw a line over the golden skin of Tigre.
Rodrigo MartÃnez, Fanny Enrigue, Eduardo Uribe, Isaura Leonardo, Michael Lamas, Marco Antonio Huerta, Ignacio Sanchez Prado, Jorge Posada, Nat Gtz, Roberto Cruz Arzabal, Manuel Iris, Leopoldo Lezama, Luis Paniagua
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