Friday, February 18, 2011

Sample Invitations Job Fair


Anthology Launch Workshop

The Bank of the Republic, the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Foundation and The Maze Corporation Caribbean University invite to the launch of the Anthology of the workshop. A collection of literary work for two years. Wednesday, 23 February

6:00 PM

Central Bank
"Writers live off the misery of the world. In a happy world it would be a writer."
José Saramago (1922-2010) Portuguese writer.

certainly a feeling of profound admiration intertextual a woman like Maria Alejandra Garcia with his character and professionalism has built a seed historically and this book is compilation of texts of RENATA SUCRE, certainly a physical specimen of a quiet rack in the town of Corozal and in the city of Sincelejo, reading conspired meeting, technical and affection.
her as female driver of a dream, a reality and ambition, no doubt someone who writes with talent and love, this literary transgression in the region of Sucre. Someone who has always had keys to this railway languages \u200b\u200bis this blog.

incoming messages:

hello friend ... what happened? is that he has never felt butterflies in your stomach? a kiss ...

Natalia Rodriguez - Chile

Dear Gustavo:
not believe it when I no news is because I have forgotten, of course not. It hurts to think how much you must suffer with the theme of the operations (I've only had to spend 3 times the operating room, two of them to have my children and I found the experience frightening.) You are a very strong man indeed, another reason to admire.

I send all my love, Lauren Mendinueta-Lisbon


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