I'm of the opinion that like heterosexual men by certain attributes of women is a degree of primitiveness: big breasts (what is scientifically called tetorras ) and hips are preferred by most of the male population no doubt by the reproductive advantage that involve: more space to house farming, more space for moms, more efficient at multiplying. He told my mother that because I like females more chupaĆtas (Isra said my friend that I had a preference for anorexics, looking haircut junkie and an ax. With the latter referring to the hairstyle Inditex), I am a changed man because Cousin other values \u200b\u200bof civilization that the mere reproduction of the species . I stand far from the jungle and tetorras, and close to civilization and culture, progress, prosperity, justice, that the difference, or should differentiate man from beast. That is also why I stand away from liberalism jungle (wit: Esperanza Aguirre), where anything goes and it is expected that, presto, everything fits as it should, and near the left which is illustrated Espe in this matter of political, as I do the fans of the girl on the cover of the Ace My mother told me: yes, there is much primate is loose.
After I hung up and I noticed on the news on TV were remembering the anniversary of St. John Lennon's death. Yoko Ono came out, some friends of the deceased, but, above all, the surgeon who treated him as dead on arrival at the hospital, struck by five shots at close range in front of his house. This white-haired dude and great diction, despite being American, explained that as there was no other, he opened the chest to Lennon and massaged the heart directly by hand, to see if there was a way to revive him.
No known medical technique, but from now on is my favorite poetic medical technology. The defibrillator and drew my attention back to life with a big spark in the chest, in fact, I included it in a verse, but this by putting your hand on your chest and caress the heart reminds me of a poem by Luis Rosales The burning house (the book, not the cultural center in Madrid) which was something like, and I quote from memory: "the hand that comes into your chest and your heart changes position." Luis Rosales wonderful, wonderful John Lennon, the surgeon beautiful English diction. By the way, what will kill a myth?
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