Sunday, January 30, 2011

Richdel Sprinkler Valves

The metamorphosis of language aluncinantes

Year 2040. Conversation between my son and my grandson. The thing would go like this:

- Daddy, Daddy, and why they are called mobile?
- Because when they were invented, you still were not born, they called mobile phones. Because they could move. It was almost miraculous. The world changed.
- Phone? What is a mobile phone?
- For phone comes from the Greek tele , distance, and phone , sound. Come on, it transmits sound at a distance, you can talk to anyone from anywhere in the world (except certain tunnels and mountains).
- what does that have to do with mobile ?
- Ya. Is that at first served only to talk. They had the option of the Internet, or quantum teleportation, or condensation Fluzo . Even changed the structure of DNA. The mobile called because, in addition, previously fixed, plugged into the wall in homes and offices. You see you do nuisance.
- For a shit.
- Hey, I'm going to clean your mouth with soap!
- umpf ... Hey, Dad, what is the Greek?
- Greek is giving up the ass.
- What?
- Come on, forget it, shut up and eat all the cyber-chard.

----- (In the image Chatter Telephone Fisher-Price, founded in 1961. Their production ceased in 1986. Today Nomatica not meet the security. But he had a heart.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Block Out Emotion

Colbún / Endesa / Enel: Where and how would the transmission line Aysén to Santiago?

While Hidroaysén defines the location of the transmission line, secretly, we conjecture that this could happen for at least six national parks and eight eight Mapuche territoriality. This added to the intent of the partnership of Endesa and Colbun to negotiate in advance with at least 2,000 owners of the land through which pass the electrical tracing. The company requested
mining concessions that would eventually devalue the price of land, to save future compensation and access to the site without permission ...

Source: The Counter

By Yael Schnitzer

The secrecy surrounding the specific location of the transmission line Hidroaysén has remained open despite the communication that took the company after the arrival of TVN former executive, Daniel Fernandez. Is to present this part of the project, it is more complicated than the approval of hydroelectric and Fernandez knows: "The transmission goes through nine regions, is two thousand owners and is sensitive stage, which is more subjective than an environmental impact specific - then that makes it more complex. "

Hidroaysén If the business is not only the production of energy but the transmission. This is seen in the investment required for the project, while the five hydroelectric power plants would have an investment cost of U.S. $ 3,200 million, the transmission line that runs 1,912 miles from the Aysen region to Santiago, around U.S. $ 3,800 million.

From January 3, Hidroaysén has a transmission management, which is led by civil engineer electrician Botteselle Pablo de la Fuente (58). He is in charge of defining exactly where to pass the line and how you installed the 3,800 transmission towers, ie move this part of the project. In November, the company consists of Colbún and Endesa, expects to deliver the Environmental Impact Study of the transmission line and you can see the path where to go because Hidroaysén is holding several mining concessions (which can devalue the price of land, to save future awards and to enter the place without permission), continuous line ranging from Aysén to Santiago. Negotiating

secret path

Although Daniel Fernandez says that "companies modern, major and strategic projects that have environmental effects, they must communicate and make known to the public what they are doing, "Hidroaysén not want to reveal the location of the route of transmission towers. "We're not ready for submission," says María Irene Soto, communications manager. In opposition, Flavia Liberona, executive director of the Terram Foundation, says Hidroaysén "kept secret because they know that when it becomes public, it will trigger many environmental conflicts."

Hidroaysén have to negotiate with at least 2 000 owners use the land to which should provide financial compensation by agreement or through the Commission of Good Men, which designates the Ministry of Economy. Carried out, negotiating with each owner would separate after submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment in November. This gives room for the company to establish unequal compensation based on negotiation good or bad to do with each person. Although

Daniel Fernandez says that "modern business, with major and strategic projects that have environmental effects, they must communicate and disclose to the public what they are doing," Hidroaysén not want to reveal the location the layout of the towers of transmisión.Patricio Rodrigo, Secretary of Defense Council of Patagonia, an organization that is leading the campaign Patagonia Without Dams, said that "one of the benefits Hidroaysén'll take the silence, we go that way to catch the unsuspecting owner ... not going to reach out to make a good defense. " It also ensures that the mere fact of applying for mining concessions, Hidroaysén "is affecting the economic assets of the owners, who see their depreciated property."

One of the questions that arise, against any negotiations to be done Hidroaysén with owners is whether U.S. $ 3,800 million to be invested in the transmission line, including payment of compensation.

Another obstacle to define the path, is the eventual passage through public and private protected areas, as well as passing through territories of indigenous communities. Hidroaysén dismissed and go through Pumalin Park, owned by one of his main opponents, North American Douglas Tompkins. But there are still complex issues because the tracing based on the mining concessions evidence that the line will pass through at least six national parks and eight indigenous sectors. Torres

70 to 80 meters

Hidroaysén plans hide part of the transmission line behind the hills and this implies the installation of towers on virgin land without road access. Against this, Daniel Fernández says that if the tower is "in the woods, will be installed by helicopter," adding that staff have already ordered the company to meet the installation system to the U.S.. On the other hand, the towers would go near the road, would be moved on a truck for installation.

The type of power would be used continuously and Fernandez explained that this decision was made that "only lost 8% of energy in transport, while 18% AC lost. "

Each tower would have a height that reaches 70 or 80 meters, depending on whether you are online or break points of the path. The basic structure of the towers are between 5 and 7 square meters, although Hidroaysén would have a right of passage for 70 meters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tower. Fernandez explained that then they can "enter, repair ... there are certain restrictions and therefore have to compensate (the owner of the land)."

In these 70 meters Fernandez said that "race does not need to do logging at any point, just to clear the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of the tower" on the other hand, explains that "The rule states that there can be no less than 15 meters from the tip of a tree and a driver, so if the tree is very high we will have to cut off the tip." Pruning of trees, would be part of the work of maintaining the transmission line, once installed. Flavia Liberona, executive director of the Terram Foundation, says that with this "Chile seems to have a scar, because the line must be kept uncovered clear and shield."

Step by national reserves

Hidroaysén not know if the transmission line will hide behind the hills or follow the line of the road Austral, but Daniel Fernandez said that "in the region (Aysén) people and the authorities tend to prefer not to see." Which presents a challenge in itself, because the absence of roads, the installation of the towers is difficult and increase costs.

are five hydroelectric power plants it plans to build Hidroaysén, to feed the Central Interconnected System (SIC). To do so, shall transfer the energy from the Aysen Region of Santiago and the starting point of the transmission line would be at the site of the hydroelectric Baker 1, a site that is visible from the Southern Road.

From south to north , And based on the design of mining concessions owned by the company - the first National Reserve (NR) flowing through the Cochrane Lake, also known as RN Tamango. Then pass the RN Cerro Castillo, where Fernandez says that the line does not affect the view you have from the southern road at Cerro Castillo. So probably, if so - this section would be installed between the hills and not in line with the road.

The route continues in the vicinity of the RN Coihaique, which houses an Indian community on the road. The following potentially affected natural reserve is the RN Lake Towers, located at the commune Coihaique and Green Lake. Later, near the RN would Carlota Lake, then skirt the Corcovado National Park, located in the Lakes Region.

in Chaitén line dips in and out in Puerto Guadal, west of Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas bypassing and Lake Llanquihue. Will be 160 kilometers and an estimated cost per kilometer dipped $ 9.2 million. In this way, it bypasses Pumalin Park.

Leaving Puerto Montt to the north, the next point of conflict is between the town of Marikina (Los Ríos Region, province of Valdivia) and the commune of Toltén (Araucanía Region), where four areas of indigenous communities could be affected. A little north of this region in the province of Cautín are two Indigenous communities. The same happens between the towns of Lautaro and Victoria.

Leaving the Araucanía Region, which would focus the problems of indigenous communities, the transmission line would continue right up to the height of El Tabo, which bend toward the mountains, entering Santiago by the south west sector.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Images Of Mysore Mallige

Airport Case: A month to know the decision to the Court of Appeals of Santiago

The application for protection filed by the Association Ayun Mapu, concerns about the Mapuche rights essential, but above all to maintain unchanged the quality of life, which inevitably would affect an airport in the midst of their homes and farmland. For its part, the regional government voiced its lack of Mapuche rights and showing signs of political commitment to the business association ...
SOURCE: Mapuexpress

By Ronny Leiva

January 23, 2011 - In late January, the Santiago Appeals Court deliver the resolution on protection of resources brought by Ayun Mapu Association to stop work on the project new regional airport in the Araucanía. Ivan Reyes

Ayun Mapu leader in opposition to the construction of the airport in the Territory polish Ko (Sector-pélalas Quepe) noted that there is no need pawed the air terminal "strikes us first assume that the difficulty they development of the region passes through an airport, I believe there is misinformation then I get the impression that they are wrong "According to the leader

business concern by the construction of the airport does not respond to serious arguments," serious studies have done at various universities and agencies at national level indicate that this is not a regional issue, " explained.

Construction of the airport has no relationship to indicate a need for the population but rather with industry interests, "not even accurately quantified in passenger demand, let alone can determine how much is the need to amend the existing capacity aircraft, "they said.

statements of the association of communities are facing the site to do business Corparaucanía members, the government to "unlock" the proposed new regional airport. For its part, the Mapuche are carrying out a territorial recovery process in the background based on strong ancestral occupation of the area known as Ko
polish territory
Ernest Rendel, Seremi of Public Works, said that before the end of January, the ruling would be delivered by the Court of Appeals of Santiago "I hope that the decision is positive, the sense not to accept the application for protection, we lift the injunction and allow us to begin work on the ground "and the regional government stating its commitment to the business association and unfamiliarity with the demands of the Mapuche community.

Corparaucanía January 21 made this a strategic meeting in which representatives from different sectors expressed their views on the actions to continue to "move towards a more Competitive Araucanía." ---

Related Information - Members Corparaucanía call unlock regional airport project

Freire - allegations Perform action against the new airport of Temuco

- Members of Ayun Mapu alleged political intervention by the authorities

- reaffirm Communities reclamation process in Quepe

- Ancestral Mapunche Authorities convened in Quepe trawün Futa Sunday September 26

Death Anniversary Cards

convened by the Council Territorial Huilli Puel Mapu: Massive march against hydroelectric project in Futrono Maqueo Inalafquen Lake Community

face possible reentry of the project to environmental assessment system, williche Mapuche communities in the area, grouped in the Territorial Council Huilli Puel Mapu, called for this march to alert and sensitize public about the harmful effects it will have on the area and its total refusal to ratify the construction of this mega hydroelectric Norwegian multinational SN Power in the lake Maihue / The protest was held by the central streets of Futrono, reaching the outskirts office of the company in that city.

SOURCE: Observatory Citizen

By Jose Luis Vargas

Friday January 21, 2011 - More than a hundred people met the march called on Thursday January 20 by the Territorial Council Huilli Puel Mapu, a large group of Mapuche communities williche the mountain area affected by the possible installation of various mega projects of other companies in their territories, including Maqueo Project.

The action taken by the Territorial Council, was to sensitize the public opinion, regional and national community, about the dire consequences that brings about a mega-project as Maqueo on communities.

regard, José González, spokesman Huilli Puel Mapu Territorial Council, said the main reason is related Futrono manifest anxiety and concern with maintaining the Mapuche communities williche against the re-entry system of the environmental assessment of the multinational magaproyecto SN Power.

leader stressed that "what moves us to speak out today, is to defend our waters. We see that our rights are violated and we expect the government to be aware of what is happening to indigenous communities in the region of Los Ríos, "said Gonzalez.

One of the most criticized during the day was the absence of government authorities, because according to the leaders, there is no part of which is a concern about this issue that were repeatedly raised. "Overall, we have been largely unprotected by the authorities," Gonzalez complained.

In the same vein, Elsa Panguilef, also spokeswoman for the Planning Board and Werken Puel Mapu Huilli of Lofmapu Rupumeika, adding that "we hope that the authorities listen to the voice of the people who are being run by private companies and the government, which until today has not been able to properly implement the ILO Convention 169, "he said. Possible

Project evaluation reentry Maqueo

Facing a possible reentry Maqueo project environmental assessment system, José González was emphatic in saying that they will not allow the arrival of the company to their communities. Explaining that "it is not only Trayenko (a subsidiary of SN Power in Chile), we will not agree to any company that wants to build hydroelectric power stations in our territory. Any company that wants to settle in the area, will face the same rejection from us, "said Gonzalez. The Werken Elsa

Panguilef he said were still "maintaining a position of absolute rejection of the possible installation of this power plant, a product of large impacts that will occur in the lake Maihue. Because of this, our community came together to demonstrate in Futrono "he said. Warning against a new attempt by the company for the project Maqueo be evaluated favorably by the authorities, which will "take agreements on what will be our activities, we will continue doing reject actions that are within our business plan" he explained.

Council representatives Huilli Puel Mapu also made a call to the public to demonstrate against these megaprojects. "We call upon all public opinion that sensitized to the problems currently facing indigenous communities are threatened by a hydroelectric dam that spans the two lake basins and lake Ranco Maihue (...) we have a customary right to our lands and our waters and that is what we are defending, as not being considered by the authorities, "Gonzalez said. To Elsa Panguilef

is essential that more people aware of the damage that will result in the construction of this plant, because "we are not only Mapuche who are going to suffer, the environment is central to the life of all people, "he said.

For its part, Boris Hualme, spokesman of the Defense Committee of the Sea in conflict with Celco by installing this product you are looking Mehuin company and one of the participants of the conference, said his presence in the march is about the need to support different Mapuche territories affected by mega projects. "The intention is that we have no more mega projects that we continue to invade, both Celco, such as hydroelectric and forestry industries have large consequences on the environment of Mapuche communities," he said. Adding that "today many mega projects that seek to develop in the region of Los Rios in indigenous territories. What makes it clear that the State implements a racist policy and tax on Mapuche communities. In that sense, there remains for us to protect our territory from pollution, since there are also international treaties that protect indigenous peoples, such as ILO Convention 169, but a dead letter to the authorities, "he concluded. ---

of information - interview to Radio Bío Bío longko José Panguilef: "We are defending ourselves, we will not let the hydro"

Example Seating Chart For A Wedding

Neltume rejected false consultation Service Environmental Assessment (SEA)

corporate and government collusion, the tries to pass off as merely informational workshops fulfill the obligation that the State must undertake consultation and participation mechanisms under the principles of free, prior and informed and acting in good faith. Mapuche community believes that this is not respected and informed consultation set out in ILO Convention 169 on Article 6 ...
SOURCE: Communications Puelche

For Nastassja Mancilla Ivac

January 8 in the town of Lake Neltume Panguipulli commune, was sizing workshop Environmental Rights Duties and SEA, led to the Mapuche community Inalafquen. It reforms unveiled by the new law 20,417 environmental, citizen participation process and how to make the consultation of indigenous communities in the area before the hydroelectric project Neltume of ENDESA.

SEA officials Álvaro Gómez Unit Participation and Carlos Werkmeister, manager of the Office of Environmental Information, were responsible for directing the activity in the town of Lake Neltume. Among those present included the presence of Angela Loncoñanco association Koz Koz Parliament, Peter Cardyn Pangupulli Environmentalist Front (FAP), and Evelyn Sandoval Environment department of the Municipality of Panguipulli.

After exposure SEA officials, the president of Ariel Catrilaf Inalafquen community on behalf of its members, announced they would not participate in the consultation process, because it goes against what is established in ILO Convention 169.

Article 6 of Convention 169 states that the process should be a "free, prior and informed, which in this case is not considered and would only occur citizen participation process established by Law 20417 SEA .
In relation to the decision and concerns of the community, Gomez said, "If there is a private investment project in the process of public participation is part of the consultation, because it itself is based on social projects or investment projects of state. " That in case the draft presented by ENDESA corresponds to private. Meanwhile

Loncoñanco Angela said: "The Chilean government wants to pass over the international agreement, and consider this participation as laid down in Convention 169."

Neltume Hydroelectric Project was readmitted to the System of Environmental Impact Assessment on October 30, 2010, after having been withdrawn on 28 April that year. Besides being carried out together the project's environmental assessment Pullinque Neltume Substation, just company.

citizen participation process began the first phase on December 22, called sizing Workshops Environmental Rights and Duties of the Citizen Participation in the various communities affected by the project, which will end on 20 January. To kick off its second between 21 and 30 January will consist of meetings between the owner and the community.

Extends Invitation to join the initiative to other Mapuche groups in the area to be subjected to this process. "I appeal to the conscience, and the rest of the Mapuche community or not, come together and reject the query and these mega projects," said Loncoñanco.


The disturbing lookout Enel / Endesa, after the reason intended to mask the Ofqui Liquiñe

One of the most common elements, appealed and mentioned in all EIAs for hydropower generation projects in the south is without doubt, the failure Liquiñe - Ofqui or FLO, a mega geological structure participates the length of the country from the Upper Valdivia to Aysén, although some scholars speak of continuity to the north beyond the heights of Lonquimay ...

In the Picture: Home Liquiñe Ofqui Guideline (as annexes Maqueo EIA) .-

SOURCE: Mapuexpress
By Carlos Rios M. Failure Liquiñe

Ofqui (FLO in what follows) comes from millennia conditioning the geomorphology of southern Chile, and since then threat, like his counterpart the San Andreas fault in North America, with continental splitting portions. All in a tenacious work of thousands of islands centuries to divide them.

Returning to that of their mention in the EIA of hydropower projects, there is talk of geological hazards in HydroAisen Puelo Neltume Liquiñe and initiatives that geographically distant several miles from each other. So if there is a constant in the presentations and drafts of the headlines, it is an irrepressible desire and therefore already confessed though - it is clear - although not purged penance pursued their references will not generate adverse responses to the conspicuous members of CONAMA and Coremas, which could jeopardize approval of EIAs in the instance of government sanction. For the same reason its mention in these assessment instruments is brief and fleeting, it tries to make his mark on plans and reports resulting from a really far away, clear of its lethality. All this has been reflected in force in each report on seismic risk of electrical projects.

In this discussion, another element that can not lose sight, regardless of the company concerned or affected and - of course - the quality and capacity of their teams is that the case of a national geological megastructure, whose outlines can be seen both from a space station in orbit and from a seat in the ferry across Lake Pirehueico, analysis of the situation can not escape the rigors of a technical report neat in its essence and truth. Hence, to study the same phenomenon, even for two different projects, whether these are located in contiguous geographical areas, but the respective areas of influence are overlapping, the conclusions should be approximately the same.

reviewed by both the presentations on e geology seismic risk of two projects shared abundantly in the area of \u200b\u200binterest and study, central and central Maqueo Neltume.

Maqueo was once the star of the hydroelectric project Transnational SN POWER. Their study submitted to the Environmental Corema Rivers Region, was twice purged from the evaluation process in response to neat little formulation.

As we are concerned, in Annex 5.1 on 5.2 on geology and seismic risk, the company Viking rush on the issue of FLO,

The main guideline of the FLO (LOFZ for the big boys of Trayenko) in the area , set in the base of the western escarpment of the complex Choshuenco Mocho, continuing its course north through the valley of Lake Neltume, presenting guidelines under the direction WE on the eastern edge of the lake, just where Endesa Enel wanted to build the underground powerhouse for central Neltume. Physical manifestations in the latter area are deep cuts in the rock basement. This guideline would have a continuous length of more than 130 miles, not less information about the magnitude of a possible earthquake of proportion to the length remains the guideline.

However, in studies of geology and seismic risk for central Neltume, there is no reference on this fault line, reported by men Maqueo. On Map Chile's geological Sernageomin 2000, set lines on the eastern edge of Lake Neltume, although not establishing the continuity stated in the study by Maqueo people. Other texts mention a 2 students of the subject in 1998 established the existence of this fault and that the time was known as Maihue - Neltume.

The reasons for this main line as mysteriously disappears from the geological maps of Endesa - Enel, the procedure should be laid down in environmental impact assessment of the Central Neltume. If there is missing information, the trial should be succinct summary and sentence. In the meantime we are left with an inescapable impression. Endesa technicians if they know the subject, breathe in the presence of FLO on each plane who make each equation to solve environmental and every lie, for consideration by CONAMA and Coremas, but prefer to play the role of juveniles sad that after dancing with a woman all night in some digs at second or third, greeting denied the next day.

FLO is there to transform your dreams of turbines and V, which implacable guardian. Will not serve the Central deploy a few hundred meters to the east. FLO will be there. ---

Related Information - Central Project Neltume Conflict: Endesa / Enel and illegal use of personal information

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pinky Brown Discharge


by Edwin Brock

There are many cumbersome ways to kill a man.
You can force you to load a wood
to the top of a hill and then nail it. For this it is necessary
a crowd
to wear sandals, a cock crows, a cloak
to dissect, a sponge, some vinegar and a man
hammer the nails in place.

Or maybe look for a piece of steel frames
traditional form and
and try to penetrate the metal cage that protects it.
If this is the case, I needed white hair
English trees, men with bows and arrows,
least two flags, a prince and a castle where
celebrate the feast.

scruples aside, you can also, if the wind
permits, suffocated with gas. But then you need a mile of mud
carved with trenches,
not to mention black boots, bomb craters, more mud
, a plague of rats,
dozen songs and some round hats made of steel.

In an era of aviation
can fly many miles above your victim and liquidate
to push a little button. All that is required
in this case, is an ocean separating them, two
systems of government, the country's scientists,
some factories, a psychopath and a piece of land
anyone will need for years.

These are, as I said before,
cumbersome methods to kill a man. Simpler, direct, and much cleaner
is to ensure that lives somewhere
twentieth century, and leave it there.

Edwin Brock (19 October 1927-7 September 1997) Was a British poet.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Black Particles In Poo

Letters others, the first novel by Felix Beltran Geney

Says the editor:
The humdrum existence of a postal worker is altered when it acquires the habit of opening letters of others. Suddenly decides to get involved with the recipients, and so know a publisher whose lover has died in a plane crash, a young patient who has a troubled relationship with her young niece and an old terminally ill that seeks to recover the child who has not seen in thirty years, while, as violent background, a paramilitary group kidnapped and murdered elderly. What Marioralio discovered through the letters it takes to plan the outbreak of a new revolution, to change from following such injustice and abuse. But it first has to lose his right hand ...
With a fast and expressive prose, This story of love and abandonment portrayed as a doomsday scenario is that of many Latin American cities, while its territory imaginary farm on the restlessness and the impossible quest of an era of rebellion Extreme today. Geney

Félix Beltrán (Culiacan, Sinaloa, 1976) is editor and writer. She studied Hispanic literature at UNAM and English literature at the University of Toronto. He was editor of Literature of the FCE. Has been a fellow of the Fundación Lorena Alejandra Gallardo and the Mexican Foundation for Free. He won the National Award for the book José Vasconcelos biographer your reader (2003), an essay on the work of Argentine writer Macedonio Fernández. In 2009 he published Talk about what you know (stories) and Sleep is not a refuge but a weapon (trials). Exercises literary criticism in magazines and supplements. Your virtual log is in He is currently editor of the Journal Mexico University .

Unblocked Dirt Biking Games


When I see a young couple making the purchase at a grocery store downtown seems very nice. They twenties or early thirties, dressed in stylish but without fanfare, a Converse, a bandanna, big headphones retro style. Certainly have career, professional people, but also probably are mileuristas and can not go to many concerts as they wish. "We bought celery for a soup? Go to the basmati rice. Do you prefer tea with cinnamon or Roiboos? If purchased in a traditional food market the picture is even more beautiful, if done in a Mercadona (the supermarket that God should destroy a rain of sulfur rival its perfection) it gives me goose bumps and hard to hold the desire to mourn, which Stendhal to the overwhelming waste fiorentino. And if one of them is Asian cool further. As Goethe in Faust (And I quote from memory): oh, time remains, you're so beautiful!

In a mall a couple fifties O crawls through the corridors for the umpteenth time to get groceries and take them to block. He, with a screaming kid perched on his back, wearily pushing a cart filled with bottles of oil (supply piece) and toilet paper family size (a family, after all, many driving ass shit). She tries to tame the other two churumbeles, pulling one hand while approaching the deli section. Grotesque suburban, MC Tactel, bad scene.

However, once again could be the same couple at different times, especially if he or she is Asian. The passage of time (do not know, 20 years?) And the routine of capitalist production mode, combined with the peaceful life in the resort, make a dent. Aaaaah, the future of things, the economic structure, the reproduction of the species, oxidation, not only of the cell, but of life itself and as we know it .

Atens the foot of the bed to see if that does not pass the time.

-------------------------------------- Attachment: Made of Mercadona funky differential (not order of preference)

frozen black rice / guacamole Fresh / Deliplus creams to cure psoriasis / brownie with vanilla sauce / tuna cheap because it is stolen in the waters of Western Sahara / humus / frozen pizzas to 2 euros / the kebab and chicken kebab ready to go / chocolate coca (as a pie and not a drug (when drugs make flavors?))

(pictured Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero making the purchase as a couple normal , literally says Blog fan club sports journalist. They are really good, but above all, they are patriots.)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fido Store In Calgary

Girls patriots is that they are well good I am not resigned

The thing must be as follows:

-Vogue, Tom Ford, Tom Ford, what we do for the next issue? So, something cool ...

-Tom Ford: umpf I do not know, I know, I get the idea very liao ...

-Vogue: Come you, Tom Ford, thinks about it. Something like transgressive pour epater le bourgeois (en Vogue Paris)

- Tom Ford: Um, see, see ... And if we take some girls from seven years and models dressed as adults, a bit of a zorrona plan, makeup and heels, posing in cachondonas?

- Oysters Pedrín! Great! Fellow: looking for girls 7 years!

Et viola! , then Vogue Paris, on the number in which the aforementioned Ford exercised the guest editor, published those photos that you have seen the girls of yore, they do not even Lolitas (Lolita primal, contrived for Nabokov, was eleven ) for special gifts. The controversy is served (who have invented this expression?). Some say it encourages pedophilia, and uses other than political correctness and puritanism, which is not bad.

Fans of political incorrectness bore me almost as much as political correctness. Should be overcome and these categories and start thinking with your head. The truth is it is not so bad, nobody is going to die for the publication of these photos and, as someone said on Facebook, sure pedophiles, by definition, makes them very funny to see these girls dressed in adults when they could see them her virginal white panties and uniforms. Another thing is the taste.

I think, first, a boutade to call the attention of staff in an effective and somewhat childish, never better. Thing they have achieved. On the other hand, strikes me as grotesque, as all those things are what they are and not what they are. Like those old women who dress as if they were 15 years or members of the band ranging Pignoise pijopunk with cristae playing at rallies PP. Hey, everything in place.

Moreover, the Anything Goes because God is Dead is very well seen now in the mindset (post) modern, especially in fashion editorials. Shocked by things like this or keep a left-wing discourse or be against the bulls seem stale and not very cool , as the nineties, as the lady who comes from mass. After the fall of the towers all this is over.

But do not forget that anything goes, the junking of the most elemental ethical and gives it all the same, was what brought us the hand of the well known financial speculators of the powders, this sludge.

So far no complaint from the unemployment line.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Wording For Funeral Flowers

Presentation of the number two in the magazine quadrivium

Participants: Staff and staff of the publication. Modera
Mikhail Lamas.
Date: Friday, January 21, 19:00
"quadrivium is a cultural magazine. Its primary vocation is literature, but also hosts other events no less enriching cultural: politics, journalism, science and the arts. This desire for colorful content is encrypted on your behalf. Like the medieval quadrivium, our magazine is both an addition and a crossroads: the sum of expressions and knowledge to survive tolerably in this world, a crossroads of different disciplines, styles and ways of thinking, "says the introduction of this innovative proposal electronics.
Cost: Free
Place: Gallery Luis Cardoza y Aragón
Meet quadrivium:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Cut A Paper In The Shape Of Bike

's like the breath of ice, the cold stillness

Bring 10 years in bed and it is beautiful

Likes a pale reflection,
the fall of light as a whisper.

After the first breath after coma,
through the bars of the rain,
off the heart.

This is the first in a series of poems illustrated by the incomparable Sara Herranz. More Blurbs here. Thanks.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Worksheet Find The Hazards

Hidroaysén Conflict: Open Letter from Bishop Luis Infanti de la Mora

"In recent months there are those who have sent" messages "to the Bishop of Aysen through some of the Media in the Region . Others have done with leaflets, citing the darkness of the night and into anonymity. The latter have had a minimum value to ask me your questions personally, as many do. "
"Dear brothers and friends, it is common that the strategy of companies, often multinationals that are big projects and big interests, seek to create division and discredit those who object to their projects. As proof, in Chile, we have many examples: HidroAysén, Southern Energy, Pascua Lama, Celco in Mehuín "...

OPEN LETTER , COYHAIQUE, January 6, 2011.

Dear brothers and sisters:

As you know, in the media some people and institutions want to be present to socialize their approaches and opinions. Some seek to be present, others are required by the same means to present their arguments.

In either case, it is logical that one is exposed to be valued and judged by the public, either by their approaches, is for you.

In recent months there are those who have sent "messages" to the Bishop of Aysen through some of the Media in the Region. Others have done with leaflets, citing the darkness of the night and into anonymity. The latter have had a minimum value to ask me your questions personally, as many do.

This suggests to me that these "messages" other interests and motivations behind, very different style of animation, direction, editing and dialogue, fraternal and discernment that inspire people of good will. Is it coincidence

that in these times you try to discredit the bishop as regards ethical - spiritual?

In some of these "messages" is being presented to the Bishop as intransigent opposition to the controversial hydroelectric facility.

This is ignoring the ethical and spiritual approaches presented in the Pastoral Letter "Give us water every day," emerged after serious reflection and ecclesial discernment of at least three years on environment, water, energy, common good power structures. This serious and thorough approach was required and valued nationally and internationally, and made public in 38 cities with very varied, In the last two years (Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Belgium, ...), without considering the many news services.

I've always been invited to these meetings, at the expense of the applicants. Countless

were also presentations to groups and communities in the Region of Aysen, and countless applications have been neglected by lack of time. Also

Episcopal Conference of Chile has been commended and encouraged the work of the Church of Aysén in this field, and even the Apostolic Nuncio in personal letter in 2008, said: "Mr. Cardinal Dias (Mayor of Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, welcomes the initiatives and the sensitivity shown in the middle of positions found on the care and protection of natural environment and encourage you and colleagues to continue to engage in this important area of \u200b\u200bhis pastoral mission. "

Dear brothers and friends, it is common that the strategy of companies, often multinationals that are big projects and big interests, seek to create division and discredit those who object to their projects. As proof, in Chile, we have many examples: HidroAysén, Southern Energy, Pascua Lama, Celco in Mehuin

... Let us be clear: the differences are among the poor (silenced and excluded) and the powerful. The option for one or the other sector marks the prophetic mission of the church and its evangelizing action and termination notice to call to conversion. Faced with a development model that offers "bread for today, hunger tomorrow," the church can not be neutral.

Then we must ask: What reasons led to Christ on the Cross? And those who crucified him? Is this presence and Bishop option that really threaten the unity of the Church?

The unity of the church is based on faith in the truths of faith, its liturgy, in its mission of evangelization, in their pastoral options (see Pastoral Plan of the Church of Aysen, Chile, Latin America). At this points all the work of the Bishop of Aysen, between understanding and misunderstanding.

I hope that dialogue and clarity in the proposals, particularly those that arise from faith and ethics, will help us grow in maturity human, social and religious, beyond the legitimate interests and individuals, Aysen and make Chile "a table for everyone."

and bless Yours fraternally,

+ Luis Infanti DE LA MORA, osm.

Aysén Apostolic Vicar Bishop


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Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Aysén accuses the government of violating Convention 169 HidroAysén assessment and Southern Energy Hydropower Project

laws are being implemented "violating our ancestral and customary rights to use land, seas, rivers, flora and fauna for our survival in harmony" and not been consulted or considered the views of the communities in dealing with these initiatives, something that expressly requires its sixth article in an international treaty. Complaint indigenous group of associations from the region of Aysen ...

Source: Aysen Life Reserve

December 11, 2010 - Twelve indigenous associations throughout the Region of Aysen publicly expressed his "complete repudiation of the projects that wearing sheepskin, dressed with law, want to destroy our region of Aysen flooding the earth, polluting the seas and stole the water that is life all living things. " Gathered in the Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Aysen, some 40 representatives of groups, all recognized by the Indigenous Law 19.253, met on 4 and 5 December in Puerto Aysen.

In a statement issued earlier this month notes that "we condemn the actions of legislators and rulers who systematically have struggled to make laws that violate our ancestral and customary rights to use land, seas, rivers, flora and fauna for our survival in harmony, for example, privatization of the sea, the privatization of water and selling land to foreigners, depriving our people of their economic livelihood and cultural roots as fishermen, gatherers and agricultural and livestock. "

add that "the people of our region williche publicly expressed their displeasure against the government and is going to bring the Convention 169, to allow the destruction and depredation of the environment in pursuit of narrow interests that only benefit a few, many of them do not even Chileans. "

Caniullán Daniel, a member of the Indigenous Community of Caleta Melinka Wapi Pu and part of the policy coordinator, said that "what we express here is a summary of the facts that are affecting our people at the regional level, based on of the standards the government is implementing and ignore the Convention 169, which has not applied as stipulated. "

exemplified this with the implementation of legislation passed this year that seeks to create a new institutional framework for the salmon, over which they have been given space to express their opinion, in circumstances that implies a particular intervention of the coastline. "According to items two and six indigenous peoples Convention 169 should be consulted, which to date has not been done. And indeed, in our region the sea is being delivered regardless of our point of view, "he said.

relation to dams said "progress is being made in these projects on the backs of indigenous peoples, because they have an endorsement to date of indigenous peoples at the regional level. Before this we also express our malaise. "

Caniullán concluded by noting that "so we have a multitude of demands, problems, proposals we have made to the Government, the Intendant and the Governor Pilar Cuevas (Aysén), which to date have not been answered. "

Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization requires the State of Chile to perform specific procedures in relation to indigenous peoples. The alleged transgressions involve the processing of the dam projects HidroAysén and Southern Energy, and the re-articulation of the salmon farming activity in the framework of the Regional Committee for Use of the coastline.

In these two areas has ignored the terms of the agreement multinational expressly in Article 6 that "governments must consult the peoples concerned, through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, whenever consideration is being given legislative or administrative measures which may affect them directly" and that " consultations carried out under this Convention shall be undertaken in good faith and in a manner appropriate to the circumstances, with the aim of reaching an agreement or consent on the proposed measures. "

Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of the Community umbrella Aysén Nahuelquin Delgado of Puerto Aysen, the Association Rakuiduamtun of Coyhaique, the Indian Association of Caleta Tortel Menco, the Indian Association of Cocrhane Manqui, the Indian Association of Puyuhuapi Guaiguenes, Mariman Indian Association of Coyhaique, the Indian Association of Caleta Melinka Willi Newen, the Indian Association of Chile Fotum Ñi Antu Chico, the Indian Association of Green Lake Mari Mari, Millarai Indian Association of Puerto Raul Marin Balmaceda, the indigenous community of Melinka Wapi Pu and the Indian Association of Puerto Swan Lafquen Rayen.

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threat Cunco

company that completed the construction of the dam Tourist Puclaro 800 hectares in the valley of Elqui, generating relocations and internal conflicts, aims to locate a plant in passing that could affect the river basin Allipen ...

SOURCE: Mapuexpress

November 29, 2010 - The project is currently in qualification stage. The procedure for construction began conducting in September 2010 and October 1 are presented the EIS (See Environmental Impact Statement ), risking Allipen river basin in the Andean region of La Araucanía Cunco and Mapuche ancestral territory.

Information is found as published on the website of the evaluation of environmental impact, are published this information in the Summary of the Project with general background of the environmental assessment respective and Environmental Impact Statement .

the project, said the background, includes the construction and operation of a hydroelectric plant in passing that water turbine irrigation channel of Canal Association Canal Allipén, later to return them to Estero Trumpulo, in point of tribute Allipén river. Corporate History

The company is conducting this project is called Hydro Allipen SA and its legal representative is on the board of the company's Santiago called EPG (Electrical Project Management SA), who I'm supporting dam projects and eradication of villages in the Region IV.

Among the great works in which the company has been involved GPE is the construction of tourist Puclaro reservoir, located on the fourth region, specifically in the Elqui Valley. To carry out this project were eradicated Gualliguaica The villages, Punta Azul and powders, which were relocated to another area. Finally proceeded to flood 800 hectares of land.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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by Roald Hoffmann

Good theories are those susceptible

of refutation,
says Karl Popper. As if I came

next week at the same time, and I sit with my coffee

exactly there, where

looked up and saw you
looking at me, and I find
of Again,

and this time had the courage to smile

Roald Hoffmann (born July 18, 1937 as Roald Safran - Hoffmann is the surname of his stepfather) is a theoretical chemist and professor at American University, of Polish origin, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1981 . Currently teaches at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

Wording For Invitation To A Breakfast

I am not resigned to hope
lying in the gutter with a bullet in the neck, I am not resigned to bite
animals with no skin, no
resign myself to the house that falls on us,

who resigned is a puppet of death,
an enemy of itself, a beetle
crushed on the tarmac.

the world burns, the city collapses around noisily
and a hurricane from the future
pushes us back, but I want to be mercury or

butterfly and I resign, I will not resign, I can not bring myself
of dirt climbing walls,
to the whims of my body, the fires of tickets
to cracks.
not resign myself to not touch.

while there is a breath of bale,
while the pulse is the heartbeat and
while there is a tooth for a bite,
I am not resigned.

not resign myself to the world on fire.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Death and the Maiden

Death, which is crazy bitch and was presented yesterday at noon when my mother and I were going to eat a meal of the day and met an old man struck on the floor of the central Escandalera Square in Oviedo. Death came like a cramp and I was able to dirty water and metal. Came an ambulance and police officers, the judge did not quite get the old one was getting stiff and purple to the view of passers-morbid until you put up a white plastic. How it should be out on Monday to buy bread for lunch and croak so suddenly hot food on the table and the year almost unused. Back

lunch my mother asked me how I was 30 years old. I told him that good things are increasingly new and exciting and it is missing one the illusion that there are increasing uncertainties and responsibilities, not to mention the socio-economic situation that my generation has lived in a so delicate and critical moment of life, but bah, than good. She told me to imagine how she was having a bunch of years, but I do not worry, that life is not linear, but curved and zigzag, for example, 10 years ago when I went to Madrid she met a beautiful renaissance, released me, with new friendships, hobbies and dreams renewed. Yes, I said, many good.

Today, in the same square of the Escandalera, on my morning walk, I saw a woman and her daughter, the first arm in arm with the other. The daughter was about 30 years, was beautiful, strong, tall, black hair, seemed to have character. The mother was equally high and kept the rest of beauty that keeps a woman who was beautiful and although his hair was gray and seemed to preserve, too, a strong energy that her daughter had inherited. Seeing a mother and daughter look alike, and which maintains the only possible complicity between mother and daughter has always disturbed me, then, rather than two different women, seem the same woman at two different times of his life . Or that one has traveled back in time to see your past self or future. Death walks

hovering. I almost died a couple of times in the past and Christmas, New Year's Eve I fell up some stairs and a couple of days later a truck indolent almost got out of the highway to all host. The year 2010 will be famous for all the people that has known espicha. Everything is dying all the time, beware. Every time someone dies is just one universe.

Tomorrow I return to Madrid, before something bad happens to me. Curiously, the lysergic and ragged streets of the capital are suddenly much more secure than this quiet country town that remains a nap.

(The dibujín of Death and the Maiden is Edward Munch buddy, I guess based on the eponymous string quartet by Schubert)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

36 Weeks Pregnantstools

The smoking ban explained to the children (a sentimental approach)

was a cafeteria
white, clear, spacious cafeteria of a hotel, the Hotel Don Sancho. People spoke at a moderate level and through the large windows in a rush light came from the Paseo de las Delicias, filtered through the leaves of the acacias, especially when spring came. I lived across the street and I enjoyed going to read newspapers and have breakfast with Esther, with William, Isaac, with Ale, Virginia. We ate big bowls of coffee and chatted and smoked while hojeábamos newspapers. Some evenings also going alone, to smoke and read more newspapers, had many newspapers. It was a time when I have trouble finding a bad memory.

One day he entered into force the previous law of snuff. Don Sancho the cafeteria became a smoke-free space. We grieved. Of course, we stopped going. Sometimes, when passing by, looked in and missed the luminous tranquility, the variety of media, pastries, especially our morning meetings. We started to go La Pepa or any other site more unpleasant, which were also reasonably happy with our coffee and cigar. We never did go to smoke non-smoking, we did not want to restrict freedom of non-smokers. Each had its place: including its beautiful white bar, we our tavern, which they do not come. Well, lived different options anything was possible in strict freedom.

For some reason that I do not yet understand the new law of snuff, which entered into force on 2, is to eliminate freedom. The sooner had room for everyone, there is now only for some. Some non-smokers are happy, "and no longer will I get clothes smelling snuff" in his dictatorial dictatorial way to celebrate their victory. "So I do not get angry with smoke," so I can not redden the eyes ", all personal victories before a loss to society. Curious selfishness, especially when no one is forcing smokers to go to sites like I'm not going to bars or eight o'clock mass pachanga. And I do not to mount a dive rock in my parish because I do not like the Mass: each in its place, I was in my bar, the faithful pastor. Everybody's happy. Respect. Now we marginalize the street while they occupy the space belonged to everyone. We hate through the window with its fragrant clothes, yes, rather boring in their new domains, like a spoiled child tired of his gift of kings.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lic Jeevan Saral Vs Ppf

A poem by WH Auden A LEGACY


the end almost, sailing, went to a singular quiet
and anchored at home and reached his wife
and rowed in the bay of
hands every morning and crossed into the office
another island like their work. There was

Well, this was their new science
his terror had to get away fully
to realize, but was released by the wind
Cape Horn beyond the reasonable success
howling: "This is the Eden Rock . Shipwrecked here. "

But deafened him with thunder and lightning stunned him:
lunatic-hunting hero, like a gem, the rare monster
mutilated ambiguous sex,
hate hate to be emptied into a cry, caught up to the impossible survivor
all that was false and complicated, the truth was simple. Nothing spectacular

evil, and always human,
shares our bed and eats at our table,
and presents the well every day, stays
up surrounded by faults;
has a name (like "Billy") and almost perfect
but behaves like an ornament their stuttering:
and every time they find must pass the same;
is Evil that is helpless like a lover and seeks
lawsuit to find it and both are destroyed
openly before us. For now
was awake and knew that no one is saved
until it is in dreams;
but there was more that had been disrupted by the nightmare

even punishment was human and was a form of love: the plaintiff
Storm was the presence of his father and had been taken
always in the bosom of his father.

gently That had now descended to leave.
He stood on the narrow balcony and listened
and sang all the stars above
as a child, "All, all is vanity", but it was not the same;
because now the words fell like the serenity of the mountains
-Nathaniel was shy for being selfish love
but now cried, transported and up,
"The divinity is broken like bread. We are the pieces. "

And sat at his desk and wrote a story.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mysore Mallege Blue Film

regional Scoop! Tap water Oviedo omega waves and bizarre

What would you say the glass containing the image? A delicious dissolved ibuprofen comes to the rescue of the most distressing holiday hangover? Alka Setzer A maybe? "Watered-down milk? "Quicklime? As four times No: what's inside that vessel, owned by my mother, in whose house I spent a few days for the holidays is the water from the tap in the most noble and loyal city of Oviedo.

My mother says he has always gone well but I never remember being drunk in my childhood or adolescence that putrid concoction. After a while, the white solution (is it semen?) Is dissolved, it is true, the water returns to its transparency and does not drink much disgust (mom says is the "pressure"). It is also true that depends on the position of the lever of the faucet or, simply, time of day, level of toxicity of the precious liquid varies. I have a

revolutionary theory in this regard: these micron particles that float within the fluid is a substance that sits in the synapses of the neural connections in the cerebral cortex, and vibrate when excited by certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, for now , refer to as omega-ray.

The illustrious Mayor, Gabino de Lorenzo (PP) is a machine omega wave transmitter positioned at the top of City Hall (which also lies at an elevation). By issuing these waves drive the minds of Oviedo, Asturias and perhaps even English at their whim and will. That would explain a zillion leading legislatures to be the most voted Mayor of Spain. Someone to take seriously his candidacy for European cultural capital as the only culture that exists here is the most ancient zarzuela and opera. I got disrupt the arrival of Francisco Alvarez-Cascos to the candidacy of PP Asturian (the man who intended to have had a few years should forget their bad management as Vice Minister of Development and embracing his party's secretary general and that, the time, symbolized with a black and angry Doberman.) Or the time he brought Mickey Rourke in "box? Or when he, the mayor, acted characterized as one of Don Hilarion his beloved operettas, La Verbena de la Paloma , without being the result of majority public scorn.

Anyway, things that happen when the science of electromagnetic-psychological manipulation meets the councils of the provincial capital.

I said.