Death, which is crazy bitch and was presented yesterday at noon when my mother and I were going to eat a meal of the day and met an old man struck on the floor of the central Escandalera Square in Oviedo. Death came like a cramp and I was able to dirty water and metal. Came an ambulance and police officers, the judge did not quite get the old one was getting stiff and purple to the view of passers-morbid until you put up a white plastic. How it should be out on Monday to buy bread for lunch and croak so suddenly hot food on the table and the year almost unused. Back
lunch my mother asked me how I was 30 years old. I told him that good things are increasingly new and exciting and it is missing one the illusion that there are increasing uncertainties and responsibilities, not to mention the socio-economic situation that my generation has lived in a so delicate and critical moment of life, but bah, than good. She told me to imagine how she was having a bunch of years, but I do not worry, that life is not linear, but curved and zigzag, for example, 10 years ago when I went to Madrid she met a beautiful renaissance, released me, with new friendships, hobbies and dreams renewed. Yes, I said, many good.
Today, in the same square of the Escandalera, on my morning walk, I saw a woman and her daughter, the first arm in arm with the other. The daughter was about 30 years, was beautiful, strong, tall, black hair, seemed to have character. The mother was equally high and kept the rest of beauty that keeps a woman who was beautiful and although his hair was gray and seemed to preserve, too, a strong energy that her daughter had inherited. Seeing a mother and daughter look alike, and which maintains the only possible complicity between mother and daughter has always disturbed me, then, rather than two different women, seem the same woman at two different times of his life . Or that one has traveled back in time to see your past self or future. Death walks
hovering. I almost died a couple of times in the past and Christmas, New Year's Eve I fell up some stairs and a couple of days later a truck indolent almost got out of the highway to all host. The year 2010 will be famous for all the people that has known espicha. Everything is dying all the time, beware. Every time someone dies is just one universe.
Tomorrow I return to Madrid, before something bad happens to me. Curiously, the lysergic and ragged streets of the capital are suddenly much more secure than this quiet country town that remains a nap.
(The dibujín of Death and the Maiden is Edward Munch buddy, I guess based on the eponymous string quartet by Schubert)
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