The thing must be as follows:
-Vogue, Tom Ford, Tom Ford, what we do for the next issue? So, something cool ...
-Tom Ford: umpf I do not know, I know, I get the idea very liao ...
-Vogue: Come you, Tom Ford, thinks about it. Something like transgressive pour epater le bourgeois (en Vogue Paris)
- Tom Ford: Um, see, see ... And if we take some girls from seven years and models dressed as adults, a bit of a zorrona plan, makeup and heels, posing in cachondonas?
- Oysters Pedrín! Great! Fellow: looking for girls 7 years!
Et viola! , then Vogue Paris, on the number in which the aforementioned Ford exercised the guest editor, published those photos that you have seen the girls of yore, they do not even Lolitas (Lolita primal, contrived for Nabokov, was eleven ) for special gifts. The controversy is served (who have invented this expression?). Some say it encourages pedophilia, and uses other than political correctness and puritanism, which is not bad.
Fans of political incorrectness bore me almost as much as political correctness. Should be overcome and these categories and start thinking with your head. The truth is it is not so bad, nobody is going to die for the publication of these photos and, as someone said on Facebook, sure pedophiles, by definition, makes them very funny to see these girls dressed in adults when they could see them her virginal white panties and uniforms. Another thing is the taste.
I think, first, a boutade to call the attention of staff in an effective and somewhat childish, never better. Thing they have achieved. On the other hand, strikes me as grotesque, as all those things are what they are and not what they are. Like those old women who dress as if they were 15 years or members of the band ranging Pignoise pijopunk with cristae playing at rallies PP. Hey, everything in place.
Moreover, the Anything Goes because God is Dead is very well seen now in the mindset (post) modern, especially in fashion editorials. Shocked by things like this or keep a left-wing discourse or be against the bulls seem stale and not very cool , as the nineties, as the lady who comes from mass. After the fall of the towers all this is over.
But do not forget that anything goes, the junking of the most elemental ethical and gives it all the same, was what brought us the hand of the well known financial speculators of the powders, this sludge.
So far no complaint from the unemployment line.
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