When I see a young couple making the purchase at a grocery store downtown seems very nice. They twenties or early thirties, dressed in stylish but without fanfare, a Converse, a bandanna, big headphones retro style. Certainly have career, professional people, but also probably are mileuristas and can not go to many concerts as they wish. "We bought celery for a soup? Go to the basmati rice. Do you prefer tea with cinnamon or Roiboos? If purchased in a traditional food market the picture is even more beautiful, if done in a Mercadona (the supermarket that God should destroy a rain of sulfur rival its perfection) it gives me goose bumps and hard to hold the desire to mourn, which Stendhal to the overwhelming waste fiorentino. And if one of them is Asian cool further. As Goethe in Faust (And I quote from memory): oh, time remains, you're so beautiful!
In a mall a couple fifties O crawls through the corridors for the umpteenth time to get groceries and take them to block. He, with a screaming kid perched on his back, wearily pushing a cart filled with bottles of oil (supply piece) and toilet paper family size (a family, after all, many driving ass shit). She tries to tame the other two churumbeles, pulling one hand while approaching the deli section. Grotesque suburban, MC Tactel, bad scene.
However, once again could be the same couple at different times, especially if he or she is Asian. The passage of time (do not know, 20 years?) And the routine of capitalist production mode, combined with the peaceful life in the resort, make a dent. Aaaaah, the future of things, the economic structure, the reproduction of the species, oxidation, not only of the cell, but of life itself and as we know it .
Atens the foot of the bed to see if that does not pass the time.
-------------------------------------- Attachment: Made of Mercadona funky differential (not order of preference)
frozen black rice / guacamole Fresh / Deliplus creams to cure psoriasis / brownie with vanilla sauce / tuna cheap because it is stolen in the waters of Western Sahara / humus / frozen pizzas to 2 euros / the kebab and chicken kebab ready to go / chocolate coca (as a pie and not a drug (when drugs make flavors?))
(pictured Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero making the purchase as a couple normal , literally says Blog fan club sports journalist. They are really good, but above all, they are patriots.)
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