The Endesa project manager, Anibal Bascuñán and Julio Montero, Ingendesa engineering manager, who is now technical manager HidroAysén, in a presentation made in Coyhaique in the summer of 2006 gave that information to justify the project. PPT presentation that we have in our possession, is entitled "Aysen Project" and the logo of Endesa, the partner controller HidroAysen wholesale and appears on all slides ...
By Peter Hartmann *
One aspect with which the executives HidroAysen get the edge of hysteria is when they insist that their energy would be to target leading to new mining Norte Chico or regions of Atacama and Coquimbo. Deny it in all shades and accuse us of raising myths and even lie.
But who gave that information to justify the project were the project manager Endesa, Aníbal Bascuñán and Julio Montero, manager Ingendesa Engineering, who is now technical manager HidroAysén, in a presentation made in Coyhaique in the summer of 2006. This presentation-ppt - we have in our possession, is entitled "Aysen Project" and the logo of Endesa, the partner controller HidroAysen wholesale and appears on all slides. The same presentation we version the paper entitled "Exploration Stage: Aysén Hydroelectric Project" Communications Management, Coordination of Community Relations. In the third ppt Slide the paper first page, it reads "A growing country: With the addition to the SIC new mining projects, the rate of demand growth in the period 2008 - 2017 is around 6.8%. During the next 10 years demand will double and triple after 20 years. "Or" by the mouth the fish dies.
is clear that in Endesa already aware of the growth in the next seven years, five times higher than in the previous decade, announced earlier this year by the mining sector. This growth and not another is that at least doubles the energy demand in the SIC. Currently this activity which consumes 30% of total electricity. And although HidroAysén miners told that are farther north, in the Interconnected System Norte Grande, SING, is that (apart from the existing mining as the Indian who was the cause of the spread of SIC to the North), Pascua-Lama and Cerro Casale, Pelambres, El Morro & La Fortuna, El Pachón , Caserones, Carmen de Andacollo, horns and Andrew Amos, new transnational mining property are all located in the SIC, who reaches Taltal, and unfortunately are not myth. What's more, some time ago which was before the connection to the SIC even Argentina's Pascua Lama (Barrick Gold). Worse, in recent days announced plans to connect the SIC to SING. And who are the major energy demands Great Northern and should be applauding this connection?
Now we can say that HidroAysen only generate and deliver power to the SIC for distribution and have no way of knowing who is going to consume.
Worse, they say that 60% of its energy will go to households, small businesses, commercial and public lighting and 40% will be to supply the large central industry. How do they insure? It turns out that the SIC residential sector consumes only 21.3% (Prien, 2008, State of the Environment in Chile 2008, p.447) and mining and industry, which swallowed 60% of electricity. And that is currently as demand from mining, as we saw before, is increasing strongly. So you might want to know what they're going to do for mining not take the big bite, such that even its own executives told us are the plaintiffs in the energy growth, growth that HidroAysen so "selflessly" offers supply.
And why so much hysteria? Because it is far different that the applicants are transnational mining energy growth which intends to supply HidroAysen, to do so is 90% of Chileans as connected to the SIC would have us believe. So, without HydroAisen are not stadiums or ladies uptown Santiago who were off the light hair dryer, not the malls that each one consumes as much energy as all Puerto Aisen or subway to move as canned sardines to Santiago, much less hospitals. Of course you can not compare a consumption light bulbs and certain appliances that hundreds of giant stone crushers and mills. Clearly
energy whose sale in this case is a business for a multinational company and ENEL and Endesa Spain, or some country, for more auction is to resolve the claim to other transnational mining them, so they can exploit and metals and take dollars anymore see (except in a value-added manufactured in another country). And of course, all this HidroAysen and their supporters in the corrupt shadows, not good for them nothing is known.
* Citizens Coalition Coordinator for Aysen Life Reserve
By Peter Hartmann *
One aspect with which the executives HidroAysen get the edge of hysteria is when they insist that their energy would be to target leading to new mining Norte Chico or regions of Atacama and Coquimbo. Deny it in all shades and accuse us of raising myths and even lie.
But who gave that information to justify the project were the project manager Endesa, Aníbal Bascuñán and Julio Montero, manager Ingendesa Engineering, who is now technical manager HidroAysén, in a presentation made in Coyhaique in the summer of 2006. This presentation-ppt - we have in our possession, is entitled "Aysen Project" and the logo of Endesa, the partner controller HidroAysen wholesale and appears on all slides. The same presentation we version the paper entitled "Exploration Stage: Aysén Hydroelectric Project" Communications Management, Coordination of Community Relations. In the third ppt Slide the paper first page, it reads "A growing country: With the addition to the SIC new mining projects, the rate of demand growth in the period 2008 - 2017 is around 6.8%. During the next 10 years demand will double and triple after 20 years. "Or" by the mouth the fish dies.
is clear that in Endesa already aware of the growth in the next seven years, five times higher than in the previous decade, announced earlier this year by the mining sector. This growth and not another is that at least doubles the energy demand in the SIC. Currently this activity which consumes 30% of total electricity. And although HidroAysén miners told that are farther north, in the Interconnected System Norte Grande, SING, is that (apart from the existing mining as the Indian who was the cause of the spread of SIC to the North), Pascua-Lama and Cerro Casale, Pelambres, El Morro & La Fortuna, El Pachón , Caserones, Carmen de Andacollo, horns and Andrew Amos, new transnational mining property are all located in the SIC, who reaches Taltal, and unfortunately are not myth. What's more, some time ago which was before the connection to the SIC even Argentina's Pascua Lama (Barrick Gold). Worse, in recent days announced plans to connect the SIC to SING. And who are the major energy demands Great Northern and should be applauding this connection?
Now we can say that HidroAysen only generate and deliver power to the SIC for distribution and have no way of knowing who is going to consume.
Worse, they say that 60% of its energy will go to households, small businesses, commercial and public lighting and 40% will be to supply the large central industry. How do they insure? It turns out that the SIC residential sector consumes only 21.3% (Prien, 2008, State of the Environment in Chile 2008, p.447) and mining and industry, which swallowed 60% of electricity. And that is currently as demand from mining, as we saw before, is increasing strongly. So you might want to know what they're going to do for mining not take the big bite, such that even its own executives told us are the plaintiffs in the energy growth, growth that HidroAysen so "selflessly" offers supply.
And why so much hysteria? Because it is far different that the applicants are transnational mining energy growth which intends to supply HidroAysen, to do so is 90% of Chileans as connected to the SIC would have us believe. So, without HydroAisen are not stadiums or ladies uptown Santiago who were off the light hair dryer, not the malls that each one consumes as much energy as all Puerto Aisen or subway to move as canned sardines to Santiago, much less hospitals. Of course you can not compare a consumption light bulbs and certain appliances that hundreds of giant stone crushers and mills. Clearly
energy whose sale in this case is a business for a multinational company and ENEL and Endesa Spain, or some country, for more auction is to resolve the claim to other transnational mining them, so they can exploit and metals and take dollars anymore see (except in a value-added manufactured in another country). And of course, all this HidroAysen and their supporters in the corrupt shadows, not good for them nothing is known.
* Citizens Coalition Coordinator for Aysen Life Reserve
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